
Sunday, 1 August 2010

A Blog is Born

I'll just jump right in with this (as I'm not too sure where to being)!
It's about 12am here in lovely England and I've got to mention how goregous the weather has been recently. The Sun is finally peeking out from behind the clouds and starting to warm the cold ground. Crocuses (did you know saffron came from crocuses?) and daffodils are beginning to spring up all over the place and spring is most definately upon us.

I'm just sitting at my desk, blogging away (wishing I could be bothered to make a cup of tea) when it occurs to me that the pagan community has gone a bit quiet these past few days. Lo and behold I realise that everyone has toddled of to celebrate the coming of the very season I just mentioned. Spring. It's offical, I missed the celebrations.

I've had so much going on with assignments, studies and general tomfoolery that everything else just fel by the wayside. Here's were you learn how difficult being a witch at university is!
I live in university accommodation with 5 other girls and the immediate proximity to each other makes privacy a rare privaledge. None of them know I'm a witch and I want to keep it that way but this makes practicing nigh on impossible. Especially when I, being a kitchen witch as well, cannot grow plants, cook or burn candles and incense.

Lucky for me I'm going home on Saturday and I'll celebrate the coming of spring in my own way. By cleaning, cooking, burning a homemade smell and getting particulary merry.
Now I'm sure I've bumbled on enough and left your heads in a spin so I'll tootle off for now. But I'll be back!!
All the love in the world, Aria Angelica

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