
Sunday, 5 September 2010

Music, thump...meow

Odd title yes?
Well I'm feeling a little odd today, better but still odd.

I moved (kind of) into my new house last week and I love it! I've finally got a double bed and there's even a FIREPLACE in my room. It doesn't work but it sure does look purdy.
I also tested the walking distance from my university library to the house...3 minutes. I'm telling you, I struck gold!
The only bad thing, it's a little creepy at night. The staircase is really steep and the entrance to the attic is a you're walking up stairs and there's this creepy window that's just there...something even creepier might pop out!
Now I'm sure I've just the victim of over active imagination but does anything still scare you? The dark, spiders, y'know...stuff like that? Seriously, what silly little things scare you?
I feel five years old whenever I go near that staircase in the dark hehe. That covers the 'thump' in the title because it's meant as a scary thump.

As for the 'Music', I'm having a very tuneful day :) I've got my playlist going as I get started on my work for next university year. Schizophrenia, very upbeat subject no?
Woops, got distracted and have lost my train of thought. My mother is watching a period drama and forgot to tell me so grr!

I'm sorry this blog has ended up being more about me that paganism but the pagan thing isn't really happening for me right now. There's so much I want to do but it's all getting pushed aside in favour of blooming life angst.

I'm going to start with Esbats I guess :). I've never celebrated an Esbat and I'm not sure what to do exactly. Any help from my dearest readers would be much appreciated on that front.
What do you do for your Esbat celebrations? I may head over to the Pagan Hooligans website because they did a podcast on Esbats :)

So please send some handy hints my way!!
xxx Aria

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